
The Power of Social media and OpenID Authentication for Writers and Authors

OpenID Authentication
Social media and OpenID Authentication
For us writers and bloggers, reading and digging information are our basic instinct and reflexes. we've scanned hundreds of webpages looking for keywords and opinions just to write a fine 300 words article which is informative. on what purpose? yes, to share the knowledge we've collected into one fine article to all the people who need it. how we actually do it? well, i am one of those people who don't know about things called CMS, blogging software or web building technical stuff, but I'm eager to write. so i read, then all things come to here on my desktop.

so how the social bookmarks work? it is providing the specific information for your writing materials on your subscription.Let's say, what you get from visiting websites you like? it's useful stuff and you want to know more about your interests, create email alert and subscribe. then all you have to do is open your email and you see there are lot of information coming. spend few minutes reading them and boom! you find yourself got ideas and concepts for your writing skill and writing topics. YOU SHOULD HAVE AN E-MAIL.

try Gmail or yahoomail if you like.
Social media

have you write an article and submit one to your blog worldwide? if you have, and i believe almost everyone has, you will see responses. these responses act like adoration to your article. critics, compliments, suggestions and all responses are the proof of your hard works. it is originally created by you and people appreciated it. you and yourself should be proud. YOU SHOULD HAVE A WEB PROFILE.
Social media

The G+ is astonishing, or you can use Facebook profile. choose any of their kind and start using them. it's fun indeed. some people like to have twitter just like me on twitter. And i connected my GooglePlus and Facebook profile to each place i write.

By having a profile, the real one, people are easily get interactions and connections between them. And OpenID did a well-done job in providing it. With your OpenID, all things become clearly connected and it makes us easier to dig more useful stuff and share to your readers, your friends, and all the people around you. this is my first article and it's exciting moment because i found out my profile is well-organized now with openID and my social network account. the badges somehow made me smile remembering things I've learned to get here and start writing.
Social media

The last big words are, YOU SHOULD HAVE A BLOG. your personal blog reflects your freedom of writings. It's a satisfaction to your ego. I've seen ghostwriters and they are not making as much as writers with the real profiles. it's because the ghostwriters never write what they are really want. there are always doubts in sharing information because they are unknown. believe me, i was one of them.

by being yourself published, it makes us like real human here on the cyber. people want to know real people. people hates being tricked by irresponsible information.

now, you might find my article is not that sophisticated. but your eyes are scanning the BIG WORDS in this article, and that would be enough for me right now.


microblogging Microblog, when we see his words in order to be micro and blogs. Micro itself has meaning "little" while blogs (web logs) itself can be interpreted as "an online journal". So the microblog itself has meaning online journal on a small scale. Activity or activities in the posting (blogging) commonly called the microblogging (blogging, or blogging on a small scale). Microblog as a form of multimedia blogs also allow users to post multimedia content such as images or sound clips for others to see.

The difference between a web blog with its own micro blogs found on the maximum number of characters when creating a post. Microblog itself has a limited number of characters and usually have limits under 200 characters. Because microblog have limitations fewer characters compared to the web blog, users most often use facilities such as microblog updates daily information of the user as it is faster and even more dynamic now can be done using a mobile phone. Very different web blogs that have characters that are not limited in any posting, the users are able to explain the details of the information and would require more time to construct the post. and this is not micro iguess :D